Poetic musings which feed the soul.
The founder of this site believes that language has deteriorated into crudeness and slang, and no longer captures the syncopations of spirit. As such, he regularly invents words which can be used as mantras, scraping away dead language and drawing forth the hidden powers of the human mind.
Political correctness has, for decades, tampered with words, substituting one for another in an endless effort at total mind control. Now it’s time to find a word that allows us to take our power back. It has to be an original word, a word which draws forth the powers of the ancients and sets them decisively against these modern tyrants who hide behind claims of false tolerance.
I humbly propose the word Thessagrallia (Thes-ah-gral-ee-ah). This word came to me spontaneously, in the depths of the Night, when many of my sacred words often float into my mind on the waves of an undulating Imagination. I didn’t have to search for a meaning. I knew immediately that the utterance of this word held within it the capacity to silence all the petty complaints, the hypersensitivity, the obsession with an impossible “equality” – and all other poisons born of political correctness.
“Thessagrallia, in its operatic femininity, can – with even one utterance – echo throughout the Universe and command the latent forces of language and Divinity to act on our behalf. Thessagrallia can reset our psychic rhythms, and reinstall us in language that is pure and uncensored. Thessagrallia. Thessagrallia. Thessagrallia.
The way to use these words is to say them aloud, or write them, over and over again, and pay attention to what comes up in the mind. These words are fresh, rhythmic, and soulful, and can truly restore our lost selves.
Mantras have a profound effect on us due to the vibration of the sound the repetition of the word; they can focus our thoughts, flush out negative energy, and draw forth hidden pockets of spiritual power. Even though they are most often associated with yogic philosophy, they can be applied to any tradition. They have brought me in direct contact with the angelic realm, again and again.
Fooziegritch. Fooziegritch. I use my invented words to book-end my deepest and most enchanted thoughts, to hold them in place and protect them from the poisons of the masses.
"We must find our wastagrunchies," I have said again and again, without knowing why. The sound of the word made me think of something forbidden and disowned, and I was always greatly drawn to these things. That is when the meaning came to me: "Wastagrunchies are the instincts which we are forced to bury in everyday life." Indeed, these are essential because they can be used to guide us through an increasingly tumultuous world.
Whenever I heard the words die/dead/death, I always had the feeling that these words themselves were dead. They were flat and final-sounding and implied that death was an unnegotiable end, the final curtain. Even the more colloquial "pass away" invariably created the impression that the deceased party had passed off into some remote, out-of-reach region. I felt that these words contributed to our attitudes about death, so that we remained perpetually divorced from the land of the dead (and all the ways the so-called dead informed our lives). So I constantly searched my mind for a word which would release the deathliness of the word death, and re-situate the soul in looming eternities. The word shemfriss finally came to mind; to say that "he/she had shemfrissed," instead of "he/she had died," seemed to imply a mere delivery into a more exalted realm. The feminine sound of the word seemed, also, to bring that realm closer, so that at times I felt I could reach out and touch it. "Shemfriss. Shemfriss. Shemfriss." I said the word over and over again, imagining the dead reaching out and embracing the living and the living embracing the dead... and the two were reunited in ways that could not be grasped with the conscious mind.
"i winnie-snogged" = "I slipped out of mediocrity and conformity."

The feminine sound of many of these words, given such concrete meanings, can restore the delicate balance between male-female (yang-yin) energy that has been thrown into disarray by half-baked political agendas. This is necessary to a properly functioning world.
A delicate, skillful eroticism.
I shall employ shustabrunta with my lover tonight.

Gram's emotion was so real, so mesmerizingly real and unrehearsed, that I felt it deserved a special word or phrase to differentiate it from all the fake feeling that plagued the modern world. The phrase that came to mind, spontaneously and without any cerebration, was svuvvervuckerance, which I defined as: the ability to feel the pains of the world beyond oneself.
Every time Gram read of a tragedy in the newspaper, especially relating to animals, her compassion svuvvered and vuckered wildly, like the counterblasts of pure, high-intensity, radioactive emotion. No blocks, intellectualizations, or dilutions. It came, at least in part, from the tender steadfastness of her Sicilian soul, intermingling mysteriously with the ethnic tenure of Syria. Rich, moist, deep, ancestral – yet totally her own, a product of her vast soul.
Cugwut: the place where the conscious and subconscious minds unite, connect, thereby bringing forth unbridled psychic power. Cugwut. Cugwut. Cugwut. (2012)
Some of these words are strikingly similar to ancient Sumerian words, indicating that they may emanate from an ancestral memory bank which is far beyond the capacity of the conscious mind.
"I employ nonsense language to reach the primal self that is buried underneath centuries of false sophistication and the disease of civilization."
"Sad people at restaurant talked only of death, disease, and business (the three chief realities in the world today): “Elena is in the hospital,’ ‘The contracts have been signed,’ ‘When I die, my kids get $50 grand each.’ The world is full of people who have died in life, and their lives only extend their deaths unnaturally, stretching the Void even further with every breath they take. In that vein, I propose the word Blutbeesh, a nonsense word meaning: the extended void."
Stalling or reversing the aging process naturally... while allowing the body to express its natural cycles and permutations.

I don't need cosmetic surgery because I have Jandacralla.

The inner warrior, released into reality. (Originally a screen name.)
BAMBASATCH LOTUS = any creation, such as a script, which resonates on a higher level.
I just completed a Bambasatch Lotus; would you like to read it?
The transformed reality that results when the root of a problem is discovered.
We should, unlike politicians, always attempt to achieve Froolacorga...for this is the only thing that can truly improve the condition of the world.

To Man from Detroit: “You seem like a fine man. Tell me, do you have dudga-swoots?”
He: “What’s dudga-swoots, dude?”
I: Dudga-swoots are the sweet, ecstatic feelings that you get from certain acts – enough of which can open up the hidden corridors of consciousness.
(I was relatively certain that he didn’t have any, and wasn’t surprised when he didn’t respond.) (2016)